ID3v2ChapterTool is an application which allows you to author and embed chapter
information in your MP3 files. It is part of the BBC open source initiative and is maintained as a
Sourceforge project. The application uses a new signalling specification that
has been developed by
Warning: ID3v2 Chapter signalling is not currently supported by most media players. Although the signalling is unlikely to cause problems
it may be some time before you will be able to see a benefit. However, if you are developing a media player which supports chapters you should
find this application useful.
Chapters in this
context could be any of the following:
within an audiobook
articles within a podcast
individual tracks within a multi-track audio file
the most basic level this chapter information consists of the start
time of each chapter you define, allowing listeners to skip easily to
these points in the file during replay. However, chapters can also have
descriptive information (e.g. title), images and URLs.
information attached to each chapter can be used by media players to
provide a dynamic display during replay. For example, the images
attached to each chapter can be used to provide a slide show.
ID3v2ChapterTool also allows you to create a Table of Contents (TOC).
At the simplest level a TOC can be a flat list of chapters as shown in
this screenshot. However, it
is also possible to create a hierarchical table of contents if required.
the most advanced level it is possible to define multiple TOCs for a
single audio file. For example, one TOC could provide access to the
entire audio file whilst a second TOC could provide access to a set of
chapter information is widely supported by media players it will
enable some exciting new multimedia applications such Audio
The application is based on a Chapter Signalling API which is an extension of the
Java ID3 API developed by Jens Vonderheide.
Requirements and Installation
requires Java
1.4 and JMF
2.1.1e but should also work with later versions. Both of these are
available from Sun Microsystems.
You can download the
latest release of the ID3v2ChapterTool here.
unzipping the archive Windows users can launch the application by
ID3v2ChapterTool.bat whilst Linux users
If you have any problems you can check your JMF installation by running
this Diagnostic